Autonomous Vehicle Applied Research



Welcome to the homepage of NVIDIA's Autonomous Vehicles Applied Research Group, led by Dr. Jose M. Alvarez. The team maximizes the impact of the latest research advances on the AV product. Research areas include model-centric and data-centric deep learning toward more efficient and scalable systems.


  • April 2024: 1 paper accepted at IEEE-IV 2024.
  • Feb 2024: 4 papers accepted at CVPR 2024.
  • Feb 2024: We will host the Workshop on Autonomous Driving at CVPR 2024.
  • Feb 2024: We will host the GPU-based DL Acceleration tutorial at CVPR 2024.
  • Jan 2024: 2 papers accepted at ICLR 2024 on efficient and robust large models.
  • July 2023: 6 new papers accepted at ICCV 2023
  • April 2023: We will be organizing a tutorial on "Learning with Noisy and Unlabeled Data for Large Models beyond Categorization" at ICCV, Paris, France 2023.
  • March 2023: 2 new papers accepted at IV 2023
  • March 2023: 3 new papers accepted at CVPR 2023
  • Feb 2023: Jose Alvarez will be talking about data for atonomous driving at Autonomous Vehicles USA 2023, April 17th, Anaheim, California.
  • Feb 2023: We will organize the Full-Stack, GPU-based Acceleration of Deep Learning tutorial at CVPR 2023.
  • Feb 2023: We are organizing the Workshop on Autonomous Driving at CVPR 2023.
  • Feb 2023: We are organizing the T4V Workshop: Transformers for Vision at CVPR 2023.


  • Jose M. Alvarez
  • Jonhathan Howe
  • Maying Shen
  • Nadine Chang
  • Shiyi Lan
  • Zhiding Yu
  • Alex Sun
  • Joshua Chen
  • Jiwoong Choi
  • Yashar Asgarieh
  • Barath Laskhmanan


  • Zhenxin Li – MSc, Fudan Univ.
  • Shihao Wang – MSc, Beijing Institute of Technology
  • Zi Wang – MSc, Carnegie Mellon Univ.
  • Sihan Liu – MSc, Fudan Univ.
  • Shan Wang – PhD, Australian National Univ.
  • Nikita Durasov – PhD, EPFL
  • Jenny Schmalfuss – PhD, University of Stuttgart
  • Chonghao Sima – PhD, Hong Kong Univ.
  • Jihao Liu – PhD, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
  • Feiyang Kang – PhD, Virginia Tech Univ.
  • Vibashan VS – PhD, John Hopkins University


  • Zhiqi Li – PhD, Nanjing Univ.
  • Yiming Li – PhD, NYU
  • David Wang – PhD, Tsinghua Univ.
  • Shixing Yu – PhD, Univ. Texas Austin
  • Yanwei Li – PhD, CUHK
  • Zhiqi Li – PhD, Nanjing Univ.
  • Zetong Yang – PhD, CUHK
  • Tzofi Klinghoffer – PhD, MIT
  • Bingyin Zhao – PhD, Clemson Univ.
  • Annamarie Bair – PhD, CMU
  • Yilun Chen – PhD, CUHK
  • Alex Sun – MS, Stanford. (now NVIDIA)
  • Justin Hsu – BS, Stanford
  • Arnav Joshi – BS, Stanford
  • Shubhranshu Sigh – MS, CMU
  • Jiayu Yang – PhD, Australian National University
  • Marc Finzi – PhD, NYU
  • Enze Xie – PhD, HKU (now NVIDIA)
  • Ryan Humble – PhD, Stanford
  • Vlad Sobal – PhD, NYU
  • Jianna Liu – BS, MIT
  • Xinlong Wang – PhD, Univ. Adelaide
  • Daquan Zhou – PhD, NUS
  • Faith Johnson – PhD, Rutgers
  • Javier Sagastuy Brena – PhD, Stanford
  • Joshua Chen – MS, CMU (now Nvidia)
  • Nithya Attaluri – BS, MIT
  • Jessica Lee – MS, CMU (now Cerebras)
  • Jiwoong Choi PhD, Seoul Nat. University (now NVIDIA)
  • Ismail Elezi PhD TUM (now PostDoc TUM)
  • Shuxuan Guo - PhD. EPFL
  • Marvin Kim – MS CMU (now Waymo)
  • Lilian Luong – BS MIT
  • Cynthia Liu – MS, MIT (now Cerebras)
  • Nadine Chang – PhD CMU. (now NVIDIA)
  • Yerlan Idelbayav – PhD UC Merced (now Amazon)
  • Xinnan Du – MS CMU (now Goldman Sachs)
  • Hoang Vu Nguyen – PhD Stony Brooks Univ.
  • Maying Shen – MS CMU (now Nvidia)
  • Michael Zhang – BS Hardvard (now PhD Stanford)
  • Akshay Chawla – MS CMU (now Vicarious)
  • Kashyap Chitta – MS CMU (now PhD student MPI)
  • Tony Wang – BS MIT
  • Wenbo Guo – PhD Penn. State Univ.
  • Nikhil Murthy – BS MIT
  • Jiaming Zeng – PhD Stanford (now IBM Research)
  • Yousef Hindy – MS Stanford (now NewCo)
  • Kashyap Chitta – MS CMU (now PhD student MPI)