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Natural Language Processing

Evaluating Parameter Efficient Learning for Generation

Parameter efficient learning methods (PERMs) have recently gained significant attention as they provide an efficient way for pre-trained language models (PLMs) to adapt to a downstream task. However, these conclusions are mostly drawn from in-domain evaluations over the full training set. In this paper, we present comparisons between PERMs and finetuning from three new perspectives: (1) the effect of sample and model size to in-domain evaluations, (2) generalization to unseen domains and new datasets, and (3) the faithfulness of generations. Our results show that for in-domain settings (a) there is a cross point of sample size for which PERMs will perform better than finetuning when training with fewer samples, and (b) larger PLMs have larger cross points. For cross-domain and cross-dataset cases, we show that (a) Adapter (Houlsby et al., 2019) performs the best amongst all the PERMs studied here, and (b) it outperforms finetuning if the task dataset is below a certain size. We also compare the faithfulness of generations and show that PERMs can achieve better faithfulness score than finetuning, especially for small training set, by as much as 6%. Finally, we apply Adapter to MT-NLG 530b (Smith et al., 2022) and achieve new state-of-the-art results on Xsum (Narayan et al., 2018) for all ROUGE scores (ROUGE-1 49.17, ROUGE-2 27.20, ROUGE-L 40.98).

Text Mining Drug/Chemical-Protein Interactions using an Ensemble of BERT and T5 Based Models

In Track-1 of the BioCreative VII Challenge participants are asked to identify interactions between drugs/chemicals and proteins. In-context named entity annotations for each drug/chemical and protein are provided and one of fourteen different interactions must be automatically predicted. For this relation extraction task, we attempt both a BERT-based sentence classification approach, and a more novel text-to-text approach using a T5 model. We find that larger BERT-based models perform better in general, with our BioMegatron-based model achieving the highest scores across all metrics, achieving 0.74 F1 score. Though our novel T5 text-to-text method did not perform as well as most of our BERT-based models, it outperformed those trained on similar data, showing promising results, achieving 0.65 F1 score. We believe a text-to-text approach to relation extraction has some competitive advantages and there is a lot of room for research advancement.

BioMegatron: Larger Biomedical Domain Language Model

There has been an influx of biomedical domain-specific language models, showing language models pre-trained on biomedical text perform better on biomedical domain benchmarks than those trained on general domain text corpora such as Wikipedia and Books. Yet, most works do not study the factors affecting each domain language application deeply. Additionally, the study of model size on domain-specific models has been mostly missing. We empirically study and evaluate several factors that can affect performance on domain language applications, such as the sub-word vocabulary set, model size, pre-training corpus, and domain transfer. We show consistent improvements on benchmarks with our larger BioMegatron model trained on a larger domain corpus, contributing to our understanding of domain language model applications. We demonstrate noticeable improvements over the previous state-of-the-art (SOTA) on standard biomedical NLP benchmarks of question answering, named entity recognition, and relation extraction. Code and checkpoints to reproduce our experiments are available at [].