Implicit Surface

fVDB: A Deep-Learning Framework for Sparse, Large-Scale, and High-Performance Spatial Intelligence

We present fVDB, a novel GPU-optimized framework for deep learning on large-scale 3D data. fVDB provides a complete set of differentiable primitives to build deep learning architectures for common tasks in 3D learning such as convolution, pooling, …

NeuralVDB: High-resolution Sparse Volume Representation using Hierarchical Neural Networks

We introduce NeuralVDB, which improves on an existing industry standard for efficient storage of sparse volumetric data, denoted VDB [Museth 2013], by leveraging recent advancements in machine learning. Our novel hybrid data structure can reduce …

NanoVDB: A GPU-Friendly and Portable VDB Data Structure For Real-Time Rendering And Simulation

We introduce a sparse volumetric data structure, dubbed NanoVDB, which is portable to both C++11 and C99 as well as most graphics APIs, e.g. CUDA, OpenCL, OpenGL, WebGL, DirectX 12, OptiX, HLSL, and GLSL. As indicated by its name, NanoVDB is a …