Partial Differential Equations

Differential Walk on Spheres

We introduce a Monte Carlo method for computing derivatives of the solution to a partial differential equation (PDE) with respect to problem parameters (such as domain geometry or boundary conditions). Derivatives can be evaluated at arbitrary …

Near-realtime Facial Animation by Deep 3D Simulation Super-Resolution

We present a neural network-based simulation super-resolution framework that can efficiently and realistically enhance a facial performance produced by a low-cost, real-time physics-based simulation to a level of detail that closely approximates that …

Walkin' Robin: Walk on Stars with Robin Boundary Conditions

Numerous scientific and engineering applications require solutions to boundary value problems (BVPs) involving elliptic partial differential equations, such as the Laplace or Poisson equations, on geometrically intricate domains. We develop a Monte …

Boundary Value Caching for Walk on Spheres

Grid-free Monte Carlo methods such as walk on spheres can be used to solve elliptic partial differential equations without mesh generation or global solves. However, such methods independently estimate the solution at every point, and hence do not …

Walk on Stars: Grid-Free Monte Carlo for Neumann Boundary Conditions

Grid-free Monte Carlo methods based on the walk on spheres (WoS) algorithm solve fundamental partial differential equations (PDEs) like the Poisson equation without discretizing the problem domain or approximating functions in a finite basis. Such …