Xinshuo Weng

Xinshuo Weng


Xinshuo Weng is a Ph.D. student (2018-) at the Robotics Institute of Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) advised by Kris Kitani and also currently a research intern at the NVIDIA Autonomous Vehicle Research group advised by Marco Pavone. She received master’s degree (2016-17) at CMU, where she worked with Yaser Sheikh and Kris Kitani. Prior to CMU, she worked at Facebook Reality Lab as a research engineer to help build “Photorealistic Telepresence”. Her bachelor was received from Wuhan University. Her research interest lies in 3D computer vision and Graph Neural Networks for autonomous systems. She has developed 3D multi-object tracking systems such as AB3DMOT that received >1,200 stars on GitHub. Also, she is leading a few autonomous driving workshops at major conferences such as NeurIPS 2021, IJCAI 2021, ICCV 2021 and IROS 2021. She was awarded a Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship for 2020 and a Facebook Fellowship Finalist for 2021.

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