Qunjie Zhou

Qunjie Zhou

Research Scientist


Qunjie Zhou is a research scientist at NVIDIA’s DVL research group. She received a B.Sc degree in Electrical Engineering from East China University of Science and Technology and a B.Sc. degree in Information Technology from FH Luebeck in 2015. She gained experience with software engineering, especially in web development during her bachelor thesis in a german company. To enrich her knowledge and skills, she pursued a M.Sc. degree in Computer Science at Technical University of Munich (TUM) from 2015 to 2018. During her master studies, she extensively learned to apply her software engineering knowledge to scientific research work. During her master thesis, she became interested in topics related to deep learning applied to computer vision. She was a PhD student of the Dynamic Vision and Learning Group at TUM lead by Prof. Dr. Laura Leal-Taixé until May 2023.
