Ray tracing

Temporally Dense Ray Tracing

We present a technique for real-time ray tracing with the goal of reaching 240 frames per second or more. The core idea is to trade spatial resolution for faster temporal updates in such a way that the display and human visual system aid in …

Precision Improvements for Ray/Sphere Intersection

The traditional quadratic formula is often presented as the way to compute the intersection of a ray with a sphere. While mathematically correct, this factorization can be numerically unstable when using floating-point arithmetic. We give two …

Simple Environment Map Filtering Using Ray Cones and Ray Differentials

We describe simple methods for how to filter environment maps using ray cones and ray differentials in a ray tracing engine.

Texture Level of Detail Strategies for Real-Time Ray Tracing

Unlike rasterization, where one can rely on pixel quad partial derivatives, an alternative approach must be taken for filtered texturing during ray tracing. We describe two methods for computing texture level of detail for ray tracing. The first …

What is a Ray?

We define a ray, show how to use ray intervals, and demonstrate how to specify a ray using DirectX Raytracing (DXR).

Introduction to DirectX Raytracing

Modern graphics APIs such as DirectX 12 expose low-level hardware access and control to developers, often resulting in complex and verbose code that can be intimidating for novices. In this chapter, we hope to demystify the steps to set up and use …

Introduction to DirectX Ray Tracing

Interactive Stable Ray Tracing

Interactive ray tracing applications running on commodity hardware can suffer from objectionable temporal artifacts due to a low sample count. We introduce stable ray tracing, a technique that improves temporal stability without the over-blurring and …

The SGGX microflake distribution

We introduce the Symmetric GGX (SGGX) distribution to represent spatially-varying properties of anisotropic microflake participating media. Our key theoretical insight is to represent a microflake distribution by the projected area of the …

Interactive Indirect Illumination Using Voxel Cone Tracing

Indirect illumination is an important element for realistic image synthesis, but its computation is expensive and highly dependent on the complexity of the scene and of the BRDF of the involved surfaces. While off-line computation and pre-baking can …