Stochastic sampling

ART-Owen Scrambling

We present a novel algorithm for implementing Owen-scrambling,combining the generation and distribution of the scrambling bits in a single self-contained compact process. We employ a context-free grammar to build a binary tree of symbols, and equip …

Fast Procedural Noise by Monte Carlo Sampling

Procedural noise functions are widely used in computer graphics as a way to add texture detail to surfaces and volumes. Many noise functions are based on weighted sums that can be expressed in terms of random variables, which makes it possible to …

Practical Product Sampling by Fitting and Composing Warps

We introduce a Monte Carlo importance sampling method for integrands composed of products and show its application to rendering where direct sampling of the product is often difficult. Our method is based on warp functions that operate on the primary …

Improved Alpha Testing Using Hashed Sampling

We further describe and analyze the idea of hashed alpha testing from Wyman and McGuire, which builds on stochastic alpha testing and simplifies stochastic transparency. Typically, alpha testing provides a simple mechanism to mask out complex …

Sample Transformations Zoo

We present several formulas and methods for generating samples distributed according to a desired probability density function on a specific domain. Sampling is a fundamental operation in modern rendering, both at runtime and in preprocessing. It is …

Generating Stratified Random Lines in a Square

When generating a set of uniformly distributed lines through a square, some care is needed to avoid bias in line orientation and position. We present a compact algorithm to generate unbiased uniformly distributed lines from a uniform point set over …

Hashed Alpha Testing

Renderers apply alpha testing to mask out complex silhouettes using alpha textures on simple proxy geometry. While widely used, alpha testing has a long-standing problem that is underreported in the literature, but observable in commercial games: …

Exploring and Expanding the Contiuum of OIT Algorithms

Order independent transparency (OIT) proves challenging for modern rasterization-based renderers. Rendering without transparency can limit the quality of visual effects, so researchers have proposed various algorithms enabling and approximating OIT. …