Yue Wang

Yue Wang


I am an incoming Assistant Professor at USC CS and a Research Scientist in the NVIDIA Research Autonomous Vehicle Research Group, working with Marco Pavone. I graduated from MIT EECS in 2022, advised by Justin Solomon in the Geometric Data Processing Group. I was also fortunate to collaborate with Michael Bronstein and Phillip Isola. Previously, I was a master student at the University of California, San Diego. Prior to that, I received my BEng in Computer Science from Zhejiang University. I’ve received the NVIDIA Fellowship (2020-2021) and the MIT EECS William A. Martin Master’s Thesis Award (2021).

My research lies at the intersection of computer vision, computer graphics, and robotics. My goal is to use machine learning to enable visual intelligence with minimal human supervision. I study how to design 3D learning systems which leverage geometry, appearance, and any other cues that are naturally available in sensory inputs. I am also broadly interested in eclectic applications on top of these systems.

For more information, please see my personal website.