
Joint Neural Denoising of Surfaces and Volumes

We combine state-of-the-art techniques into a system for high-quality, interactive rendering of participating media. We leverage unbiased volume path tracing with multiple scattering, temporally stable neural denoising and NanoVDB, a fast, sparse …

Shape, Light, and Material Decomposition from Images using Monte Carlo Rendering and Denoising

Recent advances in differentiable rendering have enabled high-quality reconstruction of 3D scenes from multi-view images. Most methods rely on simple rendering algorithms: pre-filtered direct lighting or learned representations of irradiance. We show …

Interactive Path Tracing and Reconstruction of Sparse Volumes

Denoisers designed for surface geometry rely on noise-free feature guides for high quality results. However, these guides are not readily available for volumes. Our method enables combined volume and surface denoising in real time from low sample …

Neural Denoising with Layer Embeddings

We propose a novel approach for denoising Monte Carlo path traced images, which uses data from individual samples rather than relying on pixel aggregates. Samples are partitioned into layers, which are filtered separately, giving the network more …

Neural Temporal Adaptive Sampling and Denoising

Despite recent advances in Monte Carlo path tracing at interactive rates, denoised image sequences generated with few samples per-pixel often yield temporally unstable results and loss of high-frequency details. We present a novel adaptive rendering …

Noise2Noise: Learning image restoration without clean data

We apply basic statistical reasoning to signal reconstruction by machine learning — learning to map corrupted observations to clean signals — with a simple and powerful conclusion: under certain common circumstances, it is possible to learn to …

Spatiotemporal Variance-Guided Filtering: Real-time Reconstruction for Path Traced Global Illumination

We introduce a reconstruction algorithm that generates a temporally stable sequence of images from one path-per-pixel global illumination. To handle such noisy input, we use temporal accumulation to increase the effective sample count and …