
Flexible Isosurface Extraction for Gradient-Based Mesh Optimization

This work considers gradient-based mesh optimization, where we iteratively optimize for a 3D surface mesh by representing it as the isosurface of a scalar field, an increasingly common paradigm in applications including photogrammetry, generative …

Neural Fields meet Explicit Geometric Representations for Inverse Rendering of Urban Scenes

Reconstruction and intrinsic decomposition of scenes from captured imagery would enable many applications such as relighting and virtual object insertion. Recent NeRF based methods achieve impressive fidelity of 3D reconstruction, but bake the …

Tight Bounding Boxes for Voxels and Bricks in a Signed Distance Field Ray Tracer

We present simple methods to compute tight axis-aligned bounding boxes for voxels and for bricks of voxels in a signed distance function renderer based on ray tracing. Our results show total frame time reductions of 20-31% in a real-time path tracer.

Ray Tracing of Signed Distance Function Grids

We evaluate the performance of a wide set of combinations of traversal and voxel intersection testing of signed distance function grids in a path tracing setting. In addition, we present an optimized way to compute the intersection between a ray and …

A bidirectional formulation for Walk on Spheres

Numerically solving partial differential equations (PDEs) is central to many applications in computer graphics and scientific modeling. Conventional methods for solving PDEs often need to discretize the space first, making them less efficient for …

Extracting Triangular 3D Models, Materials, and Lighting From Images

We present an efficient method for joint optimization of topology, materials and lighting from multi-view image observations. Unlike recent multi-view reconstruction approaches, which typically produce entangled 3D representations encoded in neural …

Appearance-Driven Automatic 3D Model Simplification

We present a suite of techniques for jointly optimizing triangle meshes and shading models to match the appearance of reference scenes. This capability has a number of uses, including appearance-preserving simplification of extremely complex assets, …