Ray tracing

A Gentle Introduction to ReSTIR: Path Reuse in Real-time

A course gently introducing the basics of Monte Carlo integration, resampling, RIS, ReSTIR, and rendering applications of ReSTIR.

Ray-aligned Occupancy Map Array for Fast Approximate Ray Tracing

We present a new software ray tracing solution that efficiently computes visibilities in dynamic scenes. We first introduce a novel scene representation: ray-aligned occupancy map array (ROMA) that is generated by rasterizing the dynamic scene once …

Tight Bounding Boxes for Voxels and Bricks in a Signed Distance Field Ray Tracer

We present simple methods to compute tight axis-aligned bounding boxes for voxels and for bricks of voxels in a signed distance function renderer based on ray tracing. Our results show total frame time reductions of 20-31% in a real-time path tracer.

Ray Tracing of Signed Distance Function Grids

We evaluate the performance of a wide set of combinations of traversal and voxel intersection testing of signed distance function grids in a path tracing setting. In addition, we present an optimized way to compute the intersection between a ray and …

Real-Time Path Tracing and Beyond

Real-time graphics is on the cusp of a historic transition to path tracing. With recent advances in hardware ray tracing, systems research, stochastic light sampling, and denoising, we show that complex light transport effects can be path traced in …

Research Advances Toward Real-Time Path Tracing

Real-time graphics is on the cusp of a historic transition to path tracing, one of the largest breakthroughs for real-time graphics in many years. Path tracing is the most accurate way of rendering but is also computationally intensive due to the …

Refraction Ray Cones for Texture Level of Detail

Texture filtering is an important implementation detail of every rendering system. Its purpose is to achieve high-quality rendering of textured surfaces, while avoiding artifacts, such as aliasing, Moire patterns, and unnecessary overblur. In this …

Improved Shader and Texture Level of Detail Using Ray Cones

In real-time ray tracing, texture filtering is an important technique to increase image quality. Current games, such as Minecraft with RTX on Windows 10, use ray cones to determine texture-filtering footprints. In this paper, we present several …

Ray Tracing Gems

Introduction to Real-Time Ray Tracing