
Real-Time Neural Appearance Models

We present a complete system for real-time rendering of scenes with complex appearance previously reserved for offline use. This is achieved with a combination of algorithmic and system level innovations.Our appearance model utilizes learned …

Evaluating and Improving Rendered Visual Experiences

Rendered imagery is presented to us daily. Special effects in movies, video games, scientific visualizations, and marketing catalogs all often rely on images generated through computer graphics. However, with all the possibilities that rendering …

Random-Access Neural Compression of Material Textures

The continuous advancement of photorealism in rendering is accompanied by a growth in texture data and, consequently, increasing storage and memory demands. To address this issue, we propose a novel neural compression technique specifically designed …

Ray-aligned Occupancy Map Array for Fast Approximate Ray Tracing

We present a new software ray tracing solution that efficiently computes visibilities in dynamic scenes. We first introduce a novel scene representation: ray-aligned occupancy map array (ROMA) that is generated by rasterizing the dynamic scene once …

Luminance-Preserving and Temporally Stable Daltonization

We propose a novel, real-time algorithm for recoloring images to improve the experience for a color vision deficient observer. The output is temporally stable and preserves luminance, the most important visual cue. It runs in 0.2 ms per frame on a …

Joint Neural Denoising of Surfaces and Volumes

We combine state-of-the-art techniques into a system for high-quality, interactive rendering of participating media. We leverage unbiased volume path tracing with multiple scattering, temporally stable neural denoising and NanoVDB, a fast, sparse …

Real-Time Path Tracing and Beyond

Real-time graphics is on the cusp of a historic transition to path tracing. With recent advances in hardware ray tracing, systems research, stochastic light sampling, and denoising, we show that complex light transport effects can be path traced in …

Research Advances Toward Real-Time Path Tracing

Real-time graphics is on the cusp of a historic transition to path tracing, one of the largest breakthroughs for real-time graphics in many years. Path tracing is the most accurate way of rendering but is also computationally intensive due to the …

Interactive Path Tracing and Reconstruction of Sparse Volumes

Denoisers designed for surface geometry rely on noise-free feature guides for high quality results. However, these guides are not readily available for volumes. Our method enables combined volume and surface denoising in real time from low sample …

Temporally Dense Ray Tracing

We present a technique for real-time ray tracing with the goal of reaching 240 frames per second or more. The core idea is to trade spatial resolution for faster temporal updates in such a way that the display and human visual system aid in …