Multilayer and Multimodal Fusion of Deep Neural Networks for Video Classification

This paper presents a novel framework to combine multiple layers and modalities of deep neural networks for video classification. We first propose a multilayer strategy to simultaneously capture a variety of levels of abstraction and invariance in a network, where the convolutional and fully connected layers are effectively represented by the proposed feature aggregation methods. We further introduce a multimodal scheme that includes four highly complementary modalities to extract diverse static and dynamic cues at multiple temporal scales. In particular, for modeling the long-term temporal information, we propose a new structure, FC-RNN, to effectively transform pre-trained fully connected layers into recurrent layers. A robust boosting model is then introduced to optimize the fusion of multiple layers and modalities in a unified way. In the extensive experiments, we achieve state-of-the-art results on two public benchmark datasets: UCF101 and HMDB51.
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