ATISS: Autoregressive Transformers for Indoor Scene Synthesis

The ability to synthesize realistic and diverse indoor furniture layouts automatically or based on partial input, unlocks many applications, from better interactive 3D tools to data synthesis for training and simulation. In this paper, we present ATISS, a novel autoregressive transformer architecture for creating diverse and plausible synthetic indoor environments, given only the room type and its floor plan. In contrast to prior work, which poses scene synthesis as sequence generation, our model generates rooms as unordered sets of objects.

EditGAN: High-Precision Semantic Image Editing

Generative adversarial networks (GANs) have recently found applications in image editing. However, most GAN based image editing methods often require large scale datasets with semantic segmentation annotations for training, only provide high level control, or merely interpolate between different images. Here, we propose EditGAN, a novel method for high quality, high precision semantic image editing, allowing users to edit images by modifying their highly detailed part segmentation masks, e.g., drawing a new mask for the headlight of a car.

BigDatasetGAN: Synthesizing ImageNet with Pixel-wise Annotations

Annotating images with pixel-wise labels is a time-consuming and costly process. Recently, DatasetGAN showcased a promising alternative - to synthesize a large labeled dataset via a generative adversarial network (GAN) by exploiting a small set of manually labeled, GAN-generated images. Here, we scale DatasetGAN to ImageNet scale of class diversity. We take image samples from the class-conditional generative model BigGAN trained on ImageNet, and manually annotate 5 images per class, for all 1k classes.

Polymorphic-GAN: Generating Aligned Samples across Multiple Domains with Learned Morph Maps

Modern image generative models show remarkable sample quality when trained on a single domain or class of objects. In this work, we introduce a generative adversarial network that can simultaneously generate aligned image samples from multiple related domains. We leverage the fact that a variety of object classes share common attributes, with certain geometric differences. We propose Polymorphic-GAN which learns shared features across all domains and a per-domain morph layer to morph shared features according to each domain.

LION: Latent Point Diffusion Models for 3D Shape Generation

Denoising diffusion models (DDMs) have shown promising results in 3D point cloud synthesis. To advance 3D DDMs and make them useful for digital artists, we require (i) high generation quality, (ii) flexibility for manipulation and applications such as conditional synthesis and shape interpolation, and (iii) the ability to output smooth surfaces or meshes. To this end, we introduce the hierarchical Latent Point Diffusion Model (LION) for 3D shape generation.

GENIE: Higher-Order Denoising Diffusion Solvers

Denoising diffusion models (DDMs) have emerged as a powerful class of generative models. A forward diffusion process slowly perturbs the data, while a deep model learns to gradually denoise. Synthesis amounts to solving a differential equation (DE) defined by the learnt model. Solving the DE requires slow iterative solvers for high-quality generation. In this work, we propose Higher-Order Denoising Diffusion Solvers (GENIE): Based on truncated Taylor methods, we derive a novel higher-order solver that significantly accelerates synthesis.

Variational Amodal Object Completion

In images of complex scenes, objects are often occluding each other which makes perception tasks such as object detection and tracking, or robotic control tasks such as planning, challenging. To facilitate downstream tasks, it is thus important to reason about the full extent of objects, i.e., seeing behind occlusion, typically referred to as amodal instance completion.

Differentially Private Diffusion Models

While modern machine learning models rely on increasingly large training datasets, data is often limited in privacy-sensitive domains. Generative models trained with differential privacy (DP) on sensitive data can sidestep this challenge, providing access to synthetic data instead. We build on the recent success of diffusion models (DMs) and introduce Differentially Private Diffusion Models (DPDMs), which enforce privacy using differentially private stochastic gradient descent (DP-SGD).

DreamTeacher: Pretraining Image Backbones with Deep Generative Models

In this work, we introduce a self-supervised feature representation learning framework DreamTeacher that utilizes generative networks for pre-training downstream image backbones. We propose to distill knowledge from a trained generative model into standard image backbones that have been well engineered for specific perception tasks.

TexFusion: Synthesizing 3D Textures with Text-Guided Image Diffusion Models

We present TexFusion (Texture Diffusion), a new method to synthesize textures for given 3D geometries, using large-scale text-guided image diffusion models. In contrast to recent works that leverage 2D text-to-image diffusion models to distill 3D objects using a slow and fragile optimization process, TexFusion introduces a new 3D-consistent generation technique specifically designed for texture synthesis that employs regular diffusion model sampling on different 2D rendered views.