A 0.297-pJ/Bit 50.4-Gb/s/Wire Inverter-Based Short-Reach Simultaneous Bi-Directional Transceiver for Die-to-Die Interface in 5-nm CMOS

This article presents a clock-forwarded, inverter-based short-reach simultaneous bi-directional (ISR-SBD) physical layer (PHY) targeted for die-to-die communication over silicon interposers or similar high-density interconnect. Short-reach links of this type are increasingly important to support larger systems built with chiplets and multiple die and to facilitate the shift to medium- and long-range optical communication based on silicon photonics. This project explores the advantages of simultaneous bi-directional signaling (SBD) over other bandwidth-doubling techniques (e.g., PAM4). Fabricated in a 5-nm standard CMOS process, the ISR-SBD PHY demonstrates 50.4 Gb/s/wire (25.2 Gb/s each direction) and 0.297 pJ/bit on a 750-mV supply over a 1.2-mm on- chip channel.
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