NVIDIA Real-Time Graphics Research

Welcome to the team page for NVIDIA’s real-time graphics research group! We aim to define the future of 3D scene creation, manipulation, and rendering with cutting-edge research covering real-time rendering; differentiable rendering; machine learning; light transport; material and shape generation, modeling, and acquisition; image metrics; graphics systems and programming models; and ways all of these interact.

We have over two dozen researchers and engineers located across Europe and North America.

Our mandate is to envision real-time graphics in 5, 10, or 20 years. We also productize successful research in various ways, including impacting GPU architectures, NVIDIA products (e.g., Omniverse and GeForce SDKs), graphics APIs, and direct sharing of knowledge with developers via papers, talks, courses, and blogs.

Internships on our team usually start by interested graduate students directly contacting potential research mentors on our team, either via e-mail, social media, or in person at a conference. Most interns join us during the summer, but we welcome interns year round.


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