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Jonghyun Kim
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VR, AR and Display Technology
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Large Étendue 3D Holographic Display with Content-adpative Dynamic Fourier Modulation
Brian Chao, Manu Gopakumar, Suyeon Choi, Liang Shi,
Jonghyun Kim
, Gordon Wetzstein
SIGGRAPH ASIA 2024 Technical Papers
Full-colour 3D holographic augmented-reality displays with metasurface waveguides
Manu Gopakumar, Gun-Yeal Lee, Suyeon Choi, Brian Chao, Yifan Peng,
Jonghyun Kim
, Gordon Wetzstein
AI-Mediated 3D Video Conferencing
Michael Stengel
Koki Nagano
Chao Liu
, Matthew Chan, Alex Trevithick,
Shalini De Mello
Jonghyun Kim
David Luebke
Amrita Mazumdar
, Shengze Wang, Mayoore Jaiswal
ACM SIGGRAPH Emerging Technologies 2023
Time-multiplexed Neural Holography: A Flexible Framework for Holographic Near-eye Displays with Fast Heavily-quantized Spatial Light Modulators
Suyeon Choi, Manu Gopakumar, Yifan Peng,
Jonghyun Kim
, Matthew O'Toole, Gordon Wetzstein
Holographic Glasses for Virtual Reality
Jonghyun Kim
, Manu Gopakumar, Suyeon Choi, Yifan Peng,
Ward Lopes
, Gordon Wetzstein
Unfiltered holography: optimizing high diffraction orders without optical filtering for compact holographic displays
Manu Gopakumar,
Jonghyun Kim
, Suyeon Choi, Yifan Peng, Gordon Wetzstein
Optics Letters
Neural 3D Holography
Suyeon Choi, Manu Gopakumar, Yifan Peng,
Jonghyun Kim
, Gordon Wetzstein
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2021)
Speckle-free holography with partially coherent light sources and camera-in-the-loop calibration
Yifan Peng, Suyeon Choi,
Jonghyun Kim
, Gordon Wetzstein
Science Advances
Enabling Next-generation Holographic Displays with Artificial Intelligence
Gordon Wetzstein, Yifan Peng, Suyeon Choi,
Jonghyun Kim
OSA Imaging and Applied Optics Congress 2021 (3D, COSI, DH, ISA, pcAOP)
High-quality Holographic Displays Using Double SLMs and Camera-in-the-loop Optimization
Suyeon Choi, Yifan Peng,
Jonghyun Kim
, Gordon Wetzstein
Proceedings Volume 11765, Optical Architectures for Displays and Sensing in Aug…
Optimizing Image Quality for Holographic Near-eye Displays with Michelson Holography
Suyeon Choi,
Jonghyun Kim
, Yifan Peng, Gordon Wetzstein
Neural Holography
Yifan Peng, Suyeon Choi, Nitish Padmanaban,
Jonghyun Kim
, Gordon Wetzstein
SIGGRAPH 2020 Emerging Technology
Prescription AR: a fully-customized prescription-embedded augmented reality display
Jui-Yi Wu,
Jonghyun Kim
Optics Express
Toward Standardized Classification of Foveated Displays
Josef Spjut
Ben Boudaoud
Jonghyun Kim
Trey Greer
, Rachel Albert,
Michael Stengel
, Kaan Akşit,
David Luebke
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics “Presented at IEEE VR …
Latency of 30 ms Benefits First Person Targeting Tasks More Than Refresh Rate Above 60 Hz
Josef Spjut
Ben Boudaoud
, Kamran Binaee,
Jonghyun Kim
, Zander Majercik, Morgan McGuire,
David Luebke
Joohwan Kim
Siggraph Asia Technical Briefs
Matching Prescription & Visual Acuity: Towards AR for Humans
Jonghyun Kim
Michael Stengel
, Jui-Yi Wu,
Ben Boudaoud
Josef Spjut
, Kaan Akşit, Rachel Albert, Youngmo Jeong,
Trey Greer
Ward Lopes
, Zander Majercik, Peter Shirley, Morgan McGuire,
David Luebke
SIGGRAPH 2019 Emerging Technology
Best in Show Award - Emerging Technology in SIGGRAPH 2019
Foveated AR: Dynamically-Foveated Augmented Reality Display
Jonghyun Kim
, Youngmo Jeong,
Michael Stengel
, Kaan Akşit, Rachel Albert,
Ben Boudaoud
Trey Greer
Joohwan Kim
Ward Lopes
, Zander Majercik, Peter Shirley,
Josef Spjut
, Morgan McGuire,
David Luebke
SIGGRAPH 2019 Technical Paper
Near-Eye Varifocal Augmented Reality Display using See-Through Screens
Kaan Akşit,
Ward Lopes
Jonghyun Kim
, Peter Shirley,
David Luebke
ACM Siggraph Asia 2017
Mixed-primary Factorization for Dual-frame Computational Displays
Fu-Chung Huang, David Pajak,
Jonghyun Kim
Jan Kautz
David Luebke
Varifocal Virtuality: A Novel Optical Layout for Near-Eye Display
Kaan Akşit,
Ward Lopes
Jonghyun Kim
Josef Spjut
, Peter Shirley,
David Luebke
ACM Siggraph Emerging Technologies